Dental Care Devices



Blazzer delivers precision, and accuracy for dental applications through a multispectrum diode laser system. This device has a high-power diode laser module, and a power supply mounted into the housing that is suitable for hygienist use. There are 3 different wavelengths featured for this unit - 450-nm blue laser light cures composite resins, 3mm in 3 seconds which is perfect for splinting and veneers. The blue laser light is anti-viral, and anti-bacterial. 1064-nm laser which is anti-viral, and anti-bacterial is used to remove bacteria inside infected teeth. 650-nm red color aiming beam reduces gingivitus inflammation.

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Galaxy Interface Box

The Galaxy Interface Box (GIB) is a small metal enclosure, 5.5" x 3.5" x 2.0" that contains a circular DIN 7 pin style sockets for connection to the controller board of the MDT Periolase and an 8-pin circular DIN socket for connection to the Galaxy Tablet. The GIB will also allow a Samsung Tab4 to be used in OTG (USB on the go) Host mode while simultaneously being charged. If the tablet does not go into hose mode to connect to the Gib, the Gib will continue to sound a short beep, and retry connecting to the tablet until the login screen is successfully displayed.    

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To find out more about our Dental Care Devices, contact us at (949) 522-6789 or if you want to get started now request your free quote.